September 16, 2008

Okay. So the House Drilling Hoax Has Been Passed.

I thought we'd escape this one. Son of a bitch.

Now the Gang of Twenty will pass its own slightly less hoaxy but also pretty sucky bill in the Senate, and we'll be off to that energy-dependent future!


Off to double-check the numbers, to see if a veto is possible. Of course, Bush would have to locate a pen for that . . . A the H suggests that I send him one, if necessary.

Just damn.

UPDATE: More here.

If Bush vetoes everything, will the clock still run out on the moratoria?

Posted by: Attila Girl at 09:15 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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So, Who's the Real Feminist?

The guy who pays his female staffers earn 83 cents on the male dollar, or the guy whose female staffers earn $1.04?


Anyone? Bueller?

h/t: American Digest.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 08:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Next Stop, Golden State.

New York and New Jersey in play?

Thanks, Barry! And thank you, mainstream media!

Posted by: Attila Girl at 02:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Shocker! More Checks Being Written by the Entertainment Industry to Obama, Rather Than McCain!

Stacy's covering it.

I can guarantee you that more money would be going to the McCain campaign and its allies if it weren't for the unofficial blacklist against anyone right-of-center out here, and the ongoing effort to "out" anyone who might send any funds to anyone with an "R" after his/her name.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 11:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Status Report on Energy Supplies from the Gulf

It looks like if we can be especially frugal in our use of petroleum and natural gas for the next two weeks, we'll be in good shape.

Apparently there is a small amount of natural gas coming out of the Gulf, though most of those pipelines remain shut down.

Most refineries, of course, are concentrated in that region, so of course that will keep the gasoline supplies slow for a bit longer.

The good news is that there appears to be little or no actual damage to the existing oil rigs in the Gulf; apparently all the reconstruction/bracing that was conducted after Katrina/Rita was successful in further protecting the facilities there.

But I with so much of our petroleum supplies coming from the Gulf, I could really go for some OCS drilling right about now. Can I get an "amen" on that?

So, I'll be doing my part by walking to Ralph's for a bit longer . . .

Here's some footage from a news conference held by Red Cavaney, CEO and president of API, about the hurricaneÂ’s aftermath and industry efforts to recover:

Posted by: Attila Girl at 08:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 15, 2008

Uh, Senator . . .

This doesn't make you look good, you know.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 09:47 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Sexism Behind Every Bush . . .

Oh, please. Stop!

Yes: Hillary Clinton experienced sexism in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Yes: Sarah Palin experienced sexism (of a particularly vicious type) in the weeks after McCain named her as his running mate.

But: not every attack on Palin is a result of sexism; mostly, right now, it's driven by blind fear. If she were a young, good-looking fresh-faced man of any race (say, JFK), they'd still be looking into every expenditure, every per diem, every banned-book-that-wasn't-banned.

They tried to focus on biology, on the fact that she's either too feminine, or too masculine, or a tomboy, or an airhead, or whatever. Now it's just scattergun time, because the perception is that she's breathed new life into whathisface's—I mean, McCain's—campaign.

Carly: the Saturday Night Live skit was brilliant. The comedy wasn't about Sarah Palin, either. It was about Hillary Clinton, and feminine archetypes (call 'em stereotypes if you like).

Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impression rested on the accent, and on making Palin into a bubblehead. But Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton got to do the heavy lifting, as she always does. Sure: she got to play the spurned, jealous woman. But she also got to play that person who is being goaded by a series of circumstances right to the edge of losing her temper, and barely keeping it under control. It was a thing of beauty.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 05:45 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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If the U.S. Really Wanted to Improve its Standing in the World . . .

. . . it would do something about this habit of rogue legislators, former Presidents, grievance-industry "activists," Presidential candidates, and Hollywood celebrities to go around attempting to make foreign policy on their own.

I mean, I do realize that foreign governments must meet with people like Pelosi (third in line for the Presidency) and Obama (one of two people who might become President this coming January). It would be rude of them not to. And presumably our actual ambassadors/the White House make it clear that they cannot speak for the Executive Branch when they go on these little rogue missions.

But why waster their time? Why go out of your way to make the U.S. look weak and fragmented? I know why: Pelosi and Obama—and all of them—were acting in their self-interest, rather than placing a high importance on U.S. security.

But it's a sad thing that people would undermine their own country in this way.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 10:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 186 words, total size 1 kb.

This Is Clever

According to Stacy, McCain and Palin will be campaigning separately, so they can cover more ground.

But Obama could copy that—go to some states himself, and delegate the others to that charismatic guy he picked as a running mate . . . whatshisface, who's actually been in the Senate longer than McCain has been alive. Very dynamic speaker; not afraid to play the "I'm smarter than you, so there" card. Likes the sound of his own voice.

That guy. Joe something.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 02:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Drill, Baby—Drill.

Paul Kane at WaPo:

House and Senate Democrats have been assembling different proposals for the past few weeks after absorbing months of Republican criticism as gas prices soared. Under pressure from moderate Democrats fearful of November election losses, Pelosi took the first formal step Wednesday by unveiling a proposal that would open the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to drilling at least 100 miles offshore. If governors and state legislatures agree, drilling off each state's coast would be allowed 50 miles from shore.

Pelosi had previously suggested opening only portions of the southeastern Atlantic coast and some of the eastern Gulf of Mexico to drilling, but ultimately offered to allow drilling off both coastlines. The eastern gulf off Florida's west coast would remain off-limits.

Under the Pelosi bill, scheduled for a vote Tuesday, the federal government would not share royalties with the states, devoting the money instead toward federal funding for renewable energy resources. Taxes on oil companies would be increased, with that revenue also going to alternative energy sources.

A separate proposal, developed by about 20 Senate Democrats and Republicans, also would move the drilling boundary to 100 miles offshore, with states given the option to set it at 50 miles. But under that plan, new Atlantic drilling would be limited to Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The Senate plan would allow no drilling in the Pacific.

In a key difference with Pelosi's bill, the Senate legislation would allow new drilling off Florida's west coast.

Some industry experts question the effect of the proposals, citing federal studies that show that more than 80 percent of known oil reserves are inside the 50-mile limit and therefore unavailable. Very little is known about oil reserves beyond 100 miles. Waters off almost the entire Pacific coast -- where all three governors oppose drilling at the 50-mile barrier -- is considered too deep for drilling 100 miles offshore.

"You would just open a door to an empty room at the end of a very long hallway," said Brian Kennedy, spokesman for the Institute for Energy Research, an organization funded by the oil industry. Kennedy also said that, without some sort of revenue sharing for state governments, there would be little incentive for states to approve additional drilling.

With revenue sharing, Virginia and Georgia would quickly approve offshore drilling at the 50-mile mark, Kennedy and some environmental experts predicted. The biggest target for new drilling at the 100-mile mark would be in the Georges Bank, off the coasts of Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire, where cod fishing was once the dominant industry. Oil and natural gas already are extracted not far away, in Canadian waters.

The most sought-after area, however, is the eastern Gulf of Mexico near Florida's western coast. Drilling rigs already operate in the gulf off Houston, New Orleans and Mississippi, giving oil producers a near-certain guarantee of finding oil near Florida. It also would be less costly for producers to move their production and delivery systems to the other side of the gulf than to place new rigs in previously unexplored regions of the Atlantic or Pacific.

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) has vowed to filibuster any legislation that would open the waters off Florida's western beach resorts, to protect his state's tourism industry and the military testing areas for Navy and Air Force bases in the region. "If they want to get something done, they have to deal with me," Nelson said in an interview Friday.

Republicans have been skeptical about Pelosi's proposal, because environmental groups such as the Sierra Club have endorsed it as "a chance for clean energy gains that would represent a giant step in solving our energy crisis."

Many lawmakers privately predict the energy legislation will stall in parliamentary gridlock, but Congress has its own statutory deadline to deal with by Sept. 30. At that point, the annual congressional moratorium on offshore drilling expires. President Bush lifted the executive ban on offshore drilling early this summer.

That means Pelosi has barely two weeks to forge a compromise or face the end of the moratorium. That would allow drilling within three miles off all coasts. Faced with such a predicament, Democrats are increasingly likely to add their new drilling legislation to a catchall spending bill that will fund most of the government into next year.

Such a decision would dare Bush to veto the legislation and shut down the federal government over the GOP's preferred drilling plan. But if Republicans accepted the compromise, it would lead to increased offshore oil drilling under the watch of a Democratic Congress, a concept that was unfathomable just six weeks ago.

Well, we're getting closer. I still think 50 miles is too far; IIRC half that distance will keep facilities from being visible from the beach in the Atlantic and the Pacific.

There must be some revenue-sharing with the States, or they'll have no reason to sign on.

And whatever we come up with cannot forbid drilling off of Florida's West Coast; only set strict Environmental Impact rules (which we'll probably need to follow in California: tourism is a big deal in a lot of our beach towns).

Fortunately, we know from Katrina that these facilities can take a huge amount of pounding without spilling any oil; they are better-designed these days than they ever have been.

Give up nothing, Folks: don't take ANWR off the table. Instead of a strict 50-miles rule, let states collaborate on their own strategies for mitigating environmental impact, and let them keep some of the proceeds. And make sure that the R&D being subsidized is for a healthy proportion of alcohol-based fuels such as methanol and ethanol. Finally, make sure there are incentives to build new nuclear plants: if electricity is one of our solutions, let's make more of it available, and not just with wind farms.

The main thing, O my congresscritters, is not to lock yourselves into a bad deal; after all, we may be able to get a better deal next year. Don't take any promising areas off the table in a way that subsequent congresses cannot revoke. Just get us started.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 02:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 14, 2008

Willie Brown . . .

on what he calls the "Palin vs. Obama" contest:

Sarah Palin may indeed be president someday.

. . . [T]here is the question of how to boost the turnout in key states.

Palin has become an instant heroine with the Wal-Mart crowd in Ohio, Nevada, Pennsylvania and other critical states. And Wal-Marters are a lot more likely to volunteer or show up at the polls than the younger people Obama has attracted.

Right now, the best shot Obama has of winning is to get out and register 12 million or so unregistered blacks, especially in the South. But he has got to do it without anyone noticing.

Palin will have no problem signing up new voters in her group. She can go to the Mountain Dew 250 in Talladega, Ala., and pitch for votes, and no one will bat an eye.

But Obama can't go to a meeting called by Al Sharpton to get out the black vote, because if he does there will be a backlash.

He's got to do it under the radar.

I don't think anyone would mind if (1) Sharpton hadn't pulled so many dishonest maneuvers over the years, or (2) if the media weren't so far in the tank for the Big O. [Oh, hush with your dirty jokes.] That's where the "backlash" comes from; it ain't a black thing.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 07:06 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Gents Who Lunch

Barack and Bill had a two-hour lunch meeting this past Thursday, presumably while Obama was in New York City for the 9/11 memorial ceremony at Ground Zero with McCain; WJC expert John Harris speculates about what kind of words the Big Guy might have had for the newbie that day, including these:

Stop smoking whatever it is you are smoking.

In his cool treatment of both Clintons over the summer, and in the way he allowed expectations among Democrats and the news media to build, Obama has acted as if he were on a glide path to a relatively easy victory.

Clinton knows this attitude is delusional. Someone who grew up in Arkansas as the state — and much of the South — was growing more conservative can never forget how hard it is for Democrats to win in what for the past two generations has been a center-right country. Democrats have only won more than 50 percent in a presidential election there twice since 1944. Republicans have done it seven times.

One important thing to remember: Obama has never faced a serious race against a Republican. His important victories in Illinois and this year have all been against other Democrats in nomination battles.

Some Clinton allies say this may tend to warp his perspective about how politics works and what kind of issues and stories matter in a presidential context. Bottom line: it does not matter who is getting better coverage in The New York Times.

Read the whole thing.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 03:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 13, 2008

"This Is Not Really Happening . . .

You bet your life it is."*

The left — both at home and abroad — while always prattling on about championing the little guy, seldom include the unwritten caveat to such support, specifically, provided the little guy shuts up, learns his place, and doesn’t try to crash any of our parties.

* With apologies to Tori Amos.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 08:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Super. Genius.

From Iowahawk:

hammer hammer hammer

Heh! Poor Sarah, my unsuspecting brood sow! By the time you realize my expertly-painted dinosaur detour was a ingenious ruse, I will have you trapped out here on the Bridge to Nowhere. Then for the plunge into the ravenous pit of pumas! Hah hah hah hah!


What the...? Yipes!




** plouffe **

pant.. pant... pant...




Not the ratings! Stay away from the ratings!!

shhhrrredd shriiipppth

Posted by: Attila Girl at 07:27 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 82 words, total size 1 kb.

September 12, 2008

How Many Governors

. . . shop at Out of the Closet?

Posted by: Attila Girl at 03:31 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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So, ABC. Are They Learning from Michael Moore?

That's not Bidinotto's question; it's mine. He's being much more civilized than I am; I'm still outraged, and I didn't know that behavior of the MSM could still make me this angry.

Here's what Robert actually wrote:

A clear pattern has emerged: ABC's heavy-handed editing is lifting Palin's replies to questions out of context in order to undercut their coherence and substance.

Why do I say that? Because I have now seen the same questions posed by Charlie Gibson in these various broadcasts, and repeatedly, I've seen those questions paired with different fragmentary answers by Palin. Rather than allow her to be heard in her entirety on any given question, ABC yanks a one- or two-sentence snippet as a sound bite, sometimes blatantly cutting off Palin's reply in mid-thought or even mid-sentence, as if that reply represents the essence or entirety of her position. Only by watching all these various ABC interview broadcasts -- which are being scattered over a number of its daily programs in order to boost their ratings -- can you get a fuller, in-context understanding of her responses, which are often far more nuanced than ABC's editing makes them appear.

The only time that interviewer Charlie Gibson and Palin (are shown to) engage in an exchange of any length, it's when Gibson presses Palin on the meaning of "the Bush Doctrine." It is a clear "gotcha" question, intended to make her look like a confused rookie on foreign policy. But, as an ABC analyst just pointed out on "Good Morning America," you could probably have asked that same question to 500 random people at the State or Defense Departments and gotten vacant stares or stammering replies. Palin's full response -- when shown last night on "ABC News" -- turned out to be a solid defense of the doctrine of pre-emptive military strikes in the case of imminent threats. On "Good Morning America" today, however, that answer is deleted, and in its place ABC's editors substitute a vague sentence, obviously one of those that preceded her more definitive statement. The vague sentence gives the impression of evasion and lack of knowledge; "GMA" viewers would never know that Palin had said anything more.

[UPDATE: And she was right to ask Gibson to clarify his question, because there are a number of evolving positions subsumed under what pundits call "the Bush Doctrine." Why didn't Gibson simply ask, "What do you think of the Bush foreign policy?" Because he wanted to set a trap regarding "the Bush Doctrine," knowing that if she showed any puzzlement, she'd look amateurish. It was a "gotcha" question, and everyone knows it.]

Folks, this is dirty pool. And I have a suggestion as to what to do about it.

First, I think you should write ABC News demanding a release and posting of the full transcript of the interview, rather than these out-of-context clips.

Secondly, I believe that the McCain campaign should post, on YouTube or on their website, whatever video or transcript they may have of the ABC interview. The comparison between the full interview and ABC's hatchet-job version will once again demonstrate the blatant bias of the MSM "news" outlets in their treatment of Palin.

The more the mainstream media tips its hand in its (mis)treatment of Palin, the more disgusted the average voter becomes, and the less likely he or she is to believe anything else they say. And the more likely the citizenry becomes to seek out alternative sources of information.

But after mis-quoting Palin to her face, it's a bit rich that ABC is also editing her own answers to make her sound as stupid as possible.

So why was she so reluctant to expose herself to a flagrantly hostile media? Very mysterious.

AllahP on the way Gibson distorted Palin's prayer about the Iraq war.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 12:44 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Well, If It Were Me . . .

I wouldn't run an attack ad against someone based on a physical handicap—particularly one that he got while being tortured in service to his country because he declined an early release from a prison in Hanoi—where he ultimately spent over five years.

This is chutzpah.

The ageism is also, as usual, quite unattractive. And yet I doubt we'll be hearing anything about that from the gun-grabbers at the AARP.

Via Malkin.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 11:36 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 11, 2008

Oh, Where Does One Start?

Here it is, Sweetie.

We haven't come far enough, and my name ain't Sweetie.

Via Goldstein, via a comment from Darleen, via another rockin' Goldstein post:

[Sayeth Billy Jack] I mean, at least in my day when we had to pretend to take them seriously they had the good sense to go without bras and embrace that whole ‘free love’ business. Nowadays, though, it’s like, ‘Christ, don’t you bitches have an oven to clean or something…?'

I think we're right on the cusp of the Robo-Cop Revolution, wherein we're just told, "Bitches—leave." Except that it'll be Gloria Steinem saying it.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 01:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 107 words, total size 1 kb.

September 10, 2008

Community Organizers, Explained.

The bad news? It's Frank J doing the explaining:

Q. Maybe it's a BS job Barack Obama made up.

A. It's not made up. There's even a Wikipedia article on community organizing. Here's the opening paragraph:

Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. While organizing describes any activity involving people interacting with one another in a formal manner, much community organizing is in the pursuit of a common agenda. Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy. Community organizers create social movements by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved.

Q. Huh?

A. See, it's very complicated and important.

Q. If it takes that many words to describe and it's still not clear what it is, I'm pretty sure it's a BS job.

A. Know what? Why don't you rot in your disorganized community, you @#$%ing caveman.

Q. And who are the idiots paying these people salaries?

A. It's the community! They want this! Without the organizing there would be riots and cannibalism!

Q. I'm pretty sure we'll be fine organizing ourselves.

A. You stupid, gun-toting redneck, this is why people like us don't even bother trying to talk to people like you. You belittle important things you don't understand while clinging to your book about the invisible sky fairy!

Q. It's a made up job.

A. One day Barack Obama will force all your ignorant communities to be organized! Then you'll get your comeuppance! All of you who laughed at him, we'll see if you're laughing then!

Q. I'm pretty sure I will be laughing. I'll actually make a point of walking up to the community organizer and laughing at him because he wasn't able to get a real job.

A. Then you're just mean.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 11:10 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Rush Limbaugh

From Wolking's World:

When you get a 20-point swing in white women from Obama to McCain, thatÂ’s unprecedented. I donÂ’t think anybodyÂ’s seen that kind of movement that quickly in presidential politics in their lifetimes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Thomas] Friedman, you’re a little bit late to the party here. Obama’s idiotic lipstick and dead fish comments were examples of Obama getting tough. That’s how he gets tough! This is how community agitators man up, folks. The real problem — and I say this to Tom Friedman and to all the others who are getting quaky in your boots. I mean, this clown that calls here right before the end of the hour, if that doesn’t illustrate liberals, I don’t know what does. Call here and say Sarah Palin can’t put two sentences together, when his own candidate can’t put a paragraph together without an "uh," and an "eh, you know, uhhh." Obama doesn’t have any ideas he can get tough on. See, this is the real problem.

How would he get tough on tax increases? How would he get tough on surrender in military conflict? How does one get tough about not drilling for oil? I mean, is he going to sit there and angrily pound his fist and say, “If you don’t properly inflate your tires, I’m going to lose it! Shut up about high gas prices and listen to me, quit your whining. Go out and buy a tire gauge and use it in an air pump or stick it where the sun don’t shine!” What’s he gonna do? How does he get mad about that and get tough about his issues? How do you get tough telling people how you’re going to screw ‘em? You hide the fact that you’re going to screw ‘em. Barack Obama does not have any ideas that Americans want, Barack Obama does not have any ideas that Americans need.

The guy is a one trick pony. He climbed into the arena of ideas with a speech from 2004 in one hand and in the other, a speech about him being The One weÂ’ve been waiting for. And now that heÂ’s punched out, his followers are stunned, thatÂ’s all their guy had. They have been passionately backing a man who has accomplished zilch, zero, nada. He hasnÂ’t accomplished anything. He has no life story he can tell. Well, he has a life story, but he wonÂ’t tell it.

It certainly is quite a meltdown. I'm on the verge of . . . schadenfreude.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 03:47 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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