October 26, 2008

Now That Is Counter-Revolutionary Sentimentality.

A cop-killer/unrepentant terrorist with a red star on his shirt leaning on "property" rights and calling the police for protection from the media.

Loves it.

Via AlllahP at Hot Air.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 05:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Another Cartoon from Darleen!


Think of how much more interesting life will be under Obama!

Darleen lives here, and sometimes hangs out here.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 05:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 24, 2008

And Jeri Thompson . . .

drops by Fox News to pwn Alan Colmes:

I'm still confused as to why people are confused about the VP having a role in the Senate: the VP has always been the head of the Senate, and some have handled that in an active way, whereas others have treated it as a "tie-breaker-only" position. But the VP of the U.S. absolutely "presides" over the U.S. Senate.

And this is not the only position in the U.S. government that straddles two branches: who is in line to be President of the U.S., if the POTIS and VP are both taken out? The Speaker of the House. (Now Pelosi may have taken this a bit far lately, in making the Speaker position into a mini-Presidency, but she is at this moment the third in the line of succession to be POTUS, and in that way has responsibilities—real and potential—to both branches.)

And, let's see: where is it that Supreme Court Justices come from?--Oh, yes. Appointed by the President, and approved by the legislature.

There is nothing wrong with Palin acting as a liaison between the White House and the Senate, and presiding herself, rather than delegating that duty. Who knows?—the two branches might start working together, instead of against each other. Anything's possible.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 09:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Fred Thompson Lays It on the Line.

There's a nice address here from FDT that spells up what the risks are, should Obama win the election—with a focus on the economy.

It's ten or fifteen minutes long; you might want to pour yourself another cup of coffee, or a fresh drink.

'S good stuff.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 09:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Another "Let Freedom Ring" Ad.

This is from the same series of ads that is testing so well in terms of explaining issues to people in ways that they can understand, and respond to immediately. They need to be getting more play.

Let's take 'em viral!

Via Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, who says he hasn't seen these ads before, though I know it was Hot Air that turned me on to 'em (presumably, that was an AllahPundit post). They are often shown alongside the response numbers that they provoke in test groups, with the graph numbers superimposed by the people who work with communications expert Frank Luntz.

Naturally, I prefer 'em straight, without the graph lines. I trust Luntz that they are testing well.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 05:47 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Iowahawk's Ode to Bill the University Professor.

Sure; Dave may be late in recognizing this great man's contributions to American culture, but this panegyric makes up for it:

Editorial note: my previous "I AM JOE" post seems to have struck a chord, and possibly a nerve or two. As one new fan writes:

I think it's hilarious you wingnuts want to embrace this wifebeating tax cheat non-plumber as your new populist poster boy. Funny I didn't see your concern when the Murdoch media was trying to destroy Bill Ayers' life.

You make an excellent point, T.S.! Why should us flag-humping reactionaries get all the good flesh-and-blood lumpenproles to rally behind? So, in preemptive compliance with the coming Fairness Doctrine, please allow me to ladle up another helping of righteous populist indignation on behalf of another lovable everyman who's gotten the shaft from the media for daring to speak up. Bumper stickers coming soon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Hear me now: when you mess with Bill Ayers, you're messing with me.

Because I AM BILL.

I AM BILL. I am the everyday forgotten little guy in your neighborhood, the quiet anarcho-syndicalist family man who gets up early and punches the clock at the local state university, writing the manifestos and polemics and grant proposals that keep America humming. I'm just doing my job, and all I ask in return is a little respect. And tenure. And Chicago Citizen of the Year awards. And two graduate assistants to grade exams for Practicum in Imperialist Racist Hegemony 311, because I'm teaching two sections this semester. Also, a sabbatical to Italy next summer would be nice.

I AM BILL. I grew up in a simple little gated community just like yours, with white picket fences and where all the aux pairs and gardeners know your name. When my dad came home from a hard day's work as a CEO, he was never too tired to help me with my homework or tousle my hair for winning the Lake Forest Academy essay contest on Hegelian Dialectics. Yes, he was a simpleminded bourgeois technocrat of the capitalist war machine, but he made sure I got the tuition and tutors and sailing lessons and allowance I needed to make it on my own. I wish he was still alive so I could tell him how much I really planned to kill him last.

I AM BILL. I work with my hands, grizzled and calloused from years on a non-ergonomic keyboard. Maybe I don't know pipe wrenches, but I know pipe bombs, and I've built them right there in my communal kitchen and I've watched with pride as they've offed a couple of pigs. Sure, maybe I've made a few mistakes with wiring or detonator timing and it ends up killing a couple of comrades. But you know what? I get up, dust myself off, and get right back to the drawing board. Because when it comes to international Maoist revolution, quitters never win and winners never quit.

One of the Hawkster's best; read the whole thing.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 03:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Joe the Senator Trumps Joe the Plumber

Via Hot Air.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 03:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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More on the Face-Carving Incident

UPDATE: I'm wrong. But at least this woman told the truth, and is facing the music. I hope she serves as an inspiration to Al Sharpton and others like him.

She certainly apologized in a more timely fashion than the Rev. Sharpton did (which is to say, never).

One hopes she will therefore get the treatment she needs. I wish to G-d she had not done what she did, but I'm grateful that she came clean so quickly, and I hope that she can correct the imbalances in her brain that made her mark up her own face.

I am, of course, leaving my post up.

* * *

I happen to believe this young woman, because very few 20-somethings risk scarring their faces just to smear a political opponent. Especially women.


Morrissey is still warning us to keep our powder dry, since there are lunatics in every election—perhaps a few more in this one.

Ace seems genuinely conflicted about this, which I can understand: one of these two people (the mugger or the victim) is out-of-the-ordinary crazy.

My gut tells me she's not making it up, but I could be wrong. And no campaign should be villified because the act of one mentally ill person.

Still, as usual there's a . . . lively . . . debate going on over at AOSHQ.

The Anchoress weighs in, and also presents the definitive roundup on this case:

This story—should the mainstream press deign to report it—could convulse the Obama campaign. So one has to be a little suspicious, if one is to be fair. Yes, I know, the press and the Obama campaign were not skeptical or fair about the (erroneous) reports of a couple of chuckleheads shouting inflammatory things at a rally, but I like to think weÂ’re better and fairer than that—you know, more open-minded and less hateful.

But inflammatory words are very different from physical attacks, and if this story is true, it is at least the second attack on a female McCain supporter within a month—and a disturbing portent of things to come. If the story is not true, this is also disturbing. Either way, this is not good.

My emphasis.

Jimmie at Sundries Shack counters the skeptics on the likelihood that this assault (beyond the mugging, which does not seem to be in question) occurred.

The Anchoress is right: real or fake—neither bodes well for our country's political future.

UPDATE: The way this young woman is handling it at this point is better than I could have expected. I think she must be experiencing some severe mental distress.

But bringing such a tense political campaign into her personal problems—it will take me some time to forgive that.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 01:38 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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October 23, 2008

Here's Our October Surprise!

When he was young, John McCain used to smoke!

That's it; I'm voting for Obama.

h/t: James, Outside the Beltway.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 10:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Campaign Finance Fraud in the Obama Campaign

The whole thing is a bit . . . overt. Not subtle-like. Bordering on indiscreet.


I say again: Try entering false addresses when ordering a $10 DVD from Amazon. You will get rejected.

And yet Barack Obama has overridden this basic security feature in order to allow the world to donate to him, and to rack up millions and millions in illegal over-the-limit donations.



The Fucking.



The hell with the media; where is the fucking Attorney General?

Where indeed?

I'm starting to think that it's just an embarrassment of riches with the "tanning-bed media": they cannot decide whether to report on voter fraud in Ohio and other swing states, or credit card fraud in Obama's online fundraising efforts.

You see how that goes? You argue and argue all day over which story is more important—and then you look up and the day is over, and you haven't gotten around to covering either one.

So you go home; what else is there to do?

UPDATE: Jim Geraghty:

The press has been telling us about Obama's amazing online donations for more than a year now. There is absolutely no excuse for not digging into this story.

What about a bad case of ennui? Low blood sugar? Iron-deficiency anemia? You're a heartless bastard, Jim.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 07:23 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Dafydd at Big Lizards

. . . speculates on possible "October surprises" from the Democrats:

—An independent congressional watchdog whistleblowing reform taxpayer's association has stumbled upon shocking evidence that "Senator Clean," John McCain, has allowed taxpayer money to be diverted into his own pocket for half a century. This diversion of funds went unchecked even after he was elected to the Senate. Do we need four more long years of the Republican culture of corruption?

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

— Many of those closest to hunter-killer Sarah Palin have noticed a frightening instability in the would-be vice president's emotional health. This instability manifests nearly every month; its symptoms include the inability to fully control her emotions, sudden anger with little provocation, distracted attention, inexplicable pain, and sudden bleeding from unknown lacerations, possibly self inflicted. Doctors have expressed grave concerns whether Mrs. Palin is medically fit to serve, given her condition. We feel sorry for anyone with such an infirmity -- but America needs a president who is healthy, emotionally stable, and mentally balanced.

Yeah. Elizabeth R was like that, too, but she did okay.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 06:15 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Jack Shafer at Slate

Admits that he's a criminal, but that it's okay: all the rest of the American citizenry is as well.

Sounds like projection to me:

Finding the crease in the zone, where both inclusion and integrity reign at the American voting precinct, is probably impossible. If you care enough to see your candidate win, you probably care enough to cheat outright or, if not cheat outright, then bend the rules and rewrite them to your party's unfair advantage. Not even Solomon could satisfy everybody if he were in charge.

So there is no honor among (election) thieves, and Jack Shafer is one of the self-professed thieves.

After all, anything that happened during the Colonial era, or under Jim Crow laws must be legit. That is, apparently, the standard of the Democratic Party. (I almost wrote "new standard," but since the Dems are the party of slavery and Jim Crow laws, it's nothing new at all.)

Via Insty, who writes, "Old spin: Fraud is a myth! New spin: What's wrong with fraud? As I've said before, if the NRA were registering Mickey Mouse to vote, the press would be a lot more upset about it than it is about ACORN."


Posted by: Attila Girl at 05:27 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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So. Is Bill Ayers "Respectable"?

As Eric Scheie points out, that is the key question. The Obama-Ayers connections are strong and deep, but even if it were a question of "serving on a board" or two with "a guy from my neighborhood," or being the beneficiary of a "political coffee" at that same man's house, Obama's actions in Illinois contributed to the respectability of a guy who made detailed plans to kill people (most of these plans were, thankfully, unsuccessful) and planned to kill (if he could only get the power) 25 million more.

He is, by his own admission, "guilty" of cop-killing and large-scale attempted murder, and his own writings espoused an American holocaust.


I should quote the exact words from the video above [of an FBI informant from Ayers' group—Eric's got it in his post]:

"They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people, in these reeducation centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill. Twenty-five million people."

That would have been about 10% of the United States population of the time.

While it might seem like an incredible figure, it's not surprising.

In terms of history, killing ten percent of the population is standard Communist fare.

It's unspeakably awful, but it's no more suprising than the fact that Nazis killed millions of Jews.

But at least Nazis aren't considered respectable.

That's one of the pivotal issues, here: not so much "what did Ayers do for Obama's career?" (a lot, it seems), but "what did Obama do for the rehabilitation of a would-be mass murderer, who has never repudiated his crimes, nor his murderous philosophy?"

Please read the whole thing: Eric has really done his homework, and he goes in-depth on how Ayers himself felt about the lives of innocent people—including those of African-American patrons of a restaurant next door to one site of an attempted bombing.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 04:03 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Morrissey on the Attack/Maiming of a McCain Supporter.

Ed strikes the correct tone, here. We don't want to blame an entire campaign for the act of one lunatic.

(Even though, of course, the media tried to do exactly that with the fictitious case of the "kill him" yell at a Palin rally. Sigh.)

I do think this particular contest is the ugliest one in my lifetime, or at least the ugliest one I can recall. Wait: I take it back. I do have a vague memory of the RFK assassination. So, second-ugliest.

There are moments that I just want it to stop. Moments I don't even care who wins. I just want it to be over with.

But I also believe that Obama's economic policies (and possibly his foreign-policy approach) will do the country damage that may well be permanent. And, yes: I believe that we are still suffering from mistakes made during the Carter era (and continued during the Reagan era to some degree, though Reagan was busy enough winning the Cold War that his failure to pay attention to Islamo-Fascism in its toddlerhood is at least forgiveable).

So on I fight.

A friend of my husband's is as deeply in the closet as he is (they both work in entertainment). But he feels strongly about this election, and eventually put up a McCain-Palin yard sign in front of his suburban West Valley home. A neighbor confronted him about it: "what are you trying to do with that? Are you trying to piss people off?"

"No," our friend replied. "But there's an election coming up, and I thought I had a right to support my candidate."

Needless to say, the next day the sign was missing. He told my husband he intended to replace it. This led to a discussion between A the H and me about what the best substance would be to coat the back of the sign with. We discussed tar, that sticky substance used to keep birds off of fences, scrapings from rat traps, and a homemade concoction of crushed charcoal with shortening from the pantry (I decided that something with a powdery component would be good, since that would leave a trail that could be followed early the next morning, and might lead to the perp's door.)

Posted by: Attila Girl at 03:31 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Turns Out It's . . . Easier To Give Money To the Obama Campaign Than to the McCain Campaign.

How odd.


Not a Bombshell: Barack Obama's Campaign Website Encourages Fraudulent Donations

John Galt of Ayn Rand Lane (zip code: a nonexistent 99999) was able to donate with no problem—despite the fact that the cardholder's name and address did not match the name he provided.

John McCain's website? Rejected the same non-matching-information donation.

I guess when you're gathering up tens of millions from the Saudis and Gazans you have to be a little lenient on matching up credit card donations. Incidentally—when I fucking order cheesesteaks from my local deli, I get dinged when I forget my current zip code and give them my old one.

Again, though: If Obama were demanding that credit card information matched donor information, he couldn't draw in $150 million largely from fraudulent overseas donors.

Anyone see a pattern? Jennifer Brunner [Ohio's Secretary of State] isn't bothered by "voters" with non-matchable information casting votes; Barack Obama doesn't take the most basic safeguard of ensuring that a donor's information matches the information on his credit card.

Try buying something anywhere with a credit card. You check to see if you can get away with entering false information about your name and address. An automated check bounces all such attempts. Unless this safeguard has been specifically disabled.

And why would anyone do that?

I just can't think of a single reason.

Glenn's also baffled:

"[A] retired insurance manager who occasionally submits recipes to the local paper says someone used a credit card to donate [$175,000] in her name. No charges ever showed up on her credit card statement." Now why would someone do that?

Quite the puzzler.

Note to Chicago pols: you're supposed to be subtler when you're working in the national arena. The entire country isn't 100% acclimated to the Illinois style of Getting Things Done.

Editor's note: I fixed Ace's punctuation and paragraph breaks because I did not like them. And one little teensy verb tense. So feel free to consider that first blockquote a paraphrase of what he actually wrote.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 12:18 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 369 words, total size 2 kb.

October 22, 2008

Treacher, Burge and Biden Are Having a Satire-Off

We've already reviewed Iowahawk's entry—at least [looking over my glasses] those of you who have been keeping up with your homework have.

Next up, Treacher's got a scorchingly funny take on Joe-the-Senator when he gets all . . . Bideney:

Biden's statement to the press:

"Ya know, I kinda put my foot in my mouth the other day... [chuckle] You folks know how I can get, with the words and the talking and the babbling and the yammering and so forth. But I just wanted to clarify those remarks. I know I speak for Obama when I say that we are ready to lead. Come what may, we are gonna be out there in front.

"Because I gotta tell ya, when this great man, this fantastic young African-American kid who I'm proud to call my closest friend, when he becomes president, the American people need to know that you are all gonna be grabbin' your ankles every April 15 for the rest of your probably-shortened lives.

"I mean, the taxes, they're gonna be unbelievable. Holy f***. So we'll need your help with that. You're gonna have to pay 'em. There's no way we can repel a full-scale nationwide tax revolt without resorting to nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, at least in the scenarios they've shown me, so we're countin' on you to do the right thing.

"And I'd say to America, this land that I love: You've all seen what an agent of change Barack Obama is. He's brought together people from all walks of life. He's inspired every single person in this country, no matter who you are or what you look like or even if you're into, y'know, the funny stuff. [chuckle] Which is gonna be a great comfort when the Obama administration strangles the U.S. economy and sets off a long, terrifying race war.

Read the whole thing, of course. It's the stuff, for sure.

But I'm afraid I shall have to give the Joe Biden Parody Prize to . . . Biden himself. He's just . . . . he's wonderful. Self-satirizing. Smarter than anyone else on earth, or at least ready to tell us so. Prepared to negate, in a few small sound bites, Obama's five-to-one financial advantage over McCain-Palin.

Ready to encourage us once more to disregard those obviously rigged poll results, and vote. Joe: you've brought this one home for the team. Thank you.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 10:51 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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So. Who Is William Ayers?

Zombie Time has William Ayers' Weather Underground manifesto, Prairie Fire. He has passages, excerpts, commentary, and scanned pages from Ayers' book.

William Ayers is a communist. But don't take my word for it. He said so himself . . . . And not some nicey-nice peace-and-love kind of communist. Through his group the Weather Underground, Ayers was planning to "seize power" in a violent communist takeover of the United States.

[scanned passage from the Ayers book]

The quotes above were scanned directly from a now long-forgotten book entitled Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, which was written and published in 1974 by William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and other members of the Weather Underground. In this slim volume, which functioned as the Weather Underground's ideological manifesto, Ayers declares himself to be a communist, and announces that his group's bombing campaign was intended to start a violent revolution to overthrow the American government.

After a long search, I was lucky enough to finally get my hands on a copy of the original edition of Prairie Fire, which is now extremely rare and hard to find. It was written in secret while Ayers and his fellow Weather Underground members were still in hiding and on the run, and still actively engaging in bombings and other violent acts.

This essay features many high-resolution scans of quotes and entire pages taken directly from Prairie Fire, which journalists, bloggers and other media members are free to copy and re-post.

If you're interested only in viewing or downloading the scans taken from Prairie Fire, scroll down this page to see a large selection of shocking quotations which you can use as you see fit. My introductory explanation below simply provides context and elucidates why the text of Prairie Fire is so significant at this very moment in history.

So far in 2008, there has been almost no mention of this manifesto and its insurrectionary goals. It seems as if the media, William Ayers, Barack Obama and his supporters don't want you to know about Prairie Fire. Which is exactly why you need to see it.

How Is This Relevant to the 2008 Presidential Campaign?

There's nothing illegal about being a communist. People in this country are free to hold whatever political beliefs they so choose. I don't know William Ayers, I've never met him (that I'm aware of), and I have nothing against him personally.

This essay only exists to correct and unequivocably debunk claims routinely made by the mainstream media over the last few weeks about William Ayers, his beliefs, and the purpose behind his bombing campaign during the 1970s.

Specifically, when questions arose during the 2008 presidential race about Barack Obama's past associations with William Ayers, many media reports and articles blandly described Ayers as a "Vietnam-era radical" and the Weather Underground as a group that set bombs "to protest against the Vietnam War." Both of these characterizations are demonstrably inaccurate.

Furthermore: Obama and his supporters at first claimed he barely knew who Ayers was, but when public awareness of the connections between Obama and Ayers became too numerous and too strong to deny, Obama's supporters have now begun resorting to a fallback position: that William Ayers wasn't such a bad guy after all, and that it is no shame to be associated with him. The now-standard talking points are:

• Ayers was simply protesting against the Vietnam War, and a lot of people protested against the Vietnam War back then, so there's no shame in that.

• Ayers was never actually convicted of setting any bombs or killing anyone, so there's no real proof that he ever did anything wrong.

• Ayers is now a respected, mainstream, mild-mannered and popular professor, so obviously his political views couldn't have been that extreme.

This essay disproves all of these claims. The text that William Ayers authored in Prairie Fire, and the additional documentary links provided below, prove that:

• Ayers was not simply protesting "against" the Vietnam War. Firstly, he wasn't against war in principle, he was agitating for the victory of the communist forces in Vietnam. In other words: He wasn't against the war, he was against our side in the war. This is spelled out in great detail in Prairie Fire. Secondly, and more significantly, the Vietnam War was only one of many issues cited by the Weather Undergound as the justifications for their violent acts. As you will see below, in various quotes from Prairie Fire and in their own list of their violent actions (and in additional impartial documentary links), Ayers and the Weather Underground enumerated dozens of different grievances as the rationales for their bombings -- their overarching goal being to inspire a violent mass uprising against the United States government in order to establish a communist "dictatorship of the proletariat," in Ayers' own words.

• Ayers and his co-authors freely brag about their bombings and other violent and illegal acts, and even provide a detailed list, most likely typed up by Ayers himself, of the crimes they had committed up to that point. Ayers' list, scanned directly from Prairie Fire, is shown below. He may have escaped conviction due to a legal technicality (the prosecutors failed to get a warrant during some of their surveillance of the Weather Underground), but this in no way means that Ayers was factually innocent of the crimes. As has been widely reported, after the case against him was dropped, Ayers described himself as "guilty as hell, free as a bird."

• Just because Ayers tries to appear respectable now doesn't mean that he wasn't a violent revolutionary in the past. In fact, as the text of Prairie Fire shows, Ayers was one of the most extreme extremists in American political history. And as the links given as the end of this essay will prove, Ayers is just as politically radical now as he was back then. He has never renounced the political views he professed in the 1960s and 1970s. The only difference is that now he no longer commits violence to achieve his goals. After his stint as the leader of the Weather Underground, he shifted to a different tactic: to spread his ideology under the aegis of academia. But the goal remains the same: to turn America into a communist nation. Ayers' contemporary writings contain many of the same ideas (and even the same phrases) found in Prairie Fire, just toned down to make them more palatable in polite society.

But Where Is the Obama Connection?

This essay is only about William Ayers' past and present political views. It is not about the connection between Barack Obama and William Ayers. That issue has been covered (and continues to be covered) elsewhere in innumerable news reports and blog postings. Yet as evidence mounts of the extensive and long-standing connection between Obama and Ayers, making their association more and more difficult to deny, Obama's campaign and supporters have started shifting their strategy; Sure, they say, Obama may have had a connection with Ayers, but why is that so bad? Look at William Ayers now: He's a completely respectable man. What -- he protested against the Vietnam War? So did everyone. He's no extremist.

I see these arguments made in countless blog posts, comment sections, and even news articles. This essay exists to stop that political escape route. There's no getting around it: William Ayers was a violent communist revolutionary bent on overthrowing the government and "seizing power" in the United States. The proof is on this page. And the only difference between the 1970s William Ayers and the William Ayers whom Barack Obama associated with is a change in rhetorical style; a re-wording of his radical philosophy to make it seem more mainstream. But the underlying political thesis (i.e. communism) remains the same.

Authorship of Prairie Fire

How do we know that William Ayers himself co-authored Prairie Fire? Doesn't the cover say it's by The Weather Underground as a group, and doesn't mention him specifically?

Well, it's simple enough to prove. Because in the introduction, the four actual authors sign their names -- Bernardine Dohrn, Jeff Jones, Billy Ayers, and Celia Sojourn.

My emphasis, mostly.

Via Mikal.

Bloggers, do your duty.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 08:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Is Self-Defense a Human Right?

Obama says "no. Absolutely not."

Via Morrissey, who has covered this story before.

...[C]lick the link [right above] and get the background on Hale DeMar and Wilmette’s attempt to charge him with the crime of defending himself. Where does Barack Obama come into the story? He was on the wrong end of a lopsided 41-16 vote on a bill that didn’t even remove Wilmette’s gun ban, but only prevented prosecution in case of real self-defense. This would have been a great example of bipartisanship — except Obama voted with the minority of the party to keep prosecuting people who had the temerity to defend themselves.

The vote on SB2165 and ObamaÂ’s continuing efforts to keep laws in place to prosecute victims demonstrate that Obama has tried hard to mislead voters on his hostility towards gun ownership. He was in the minority of his own party on this issue. That makes him an ideologue, not a post-partisan moderate.

It's okay, though: Obama's position against self-defense arose from his suspicion that someday his own family would enjoy Secret Service protection, and wouldn't need to worry their pretty little heads about such matters.

Grabbed the vid and the text from today's entry on Hot Air, right here.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 05:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 212 words, total size 2 kb.


H/t goes to one of the hottest PUMA sites, Lotistics Monster.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 02:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 13 words, total size 1 kb.

Why the Polls Are Wronger than Usual

. . . this year.

Like, a lot more wrong. Wronger than they've been in decades.

Which means that Ace's friend Steve in Huntington Beach may well end up owing me a steak dinner. I'm leaning toward filet mignon.

Posted by: Attila Girl at 05:11 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 1 kb.

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